Brick by brick Age: 5 – 8 years old Do you like to create and build structures with your hands? Are you imaginative and curious? If you are interested to build with LEGO™ blocks, this is for you! Join our seasoned instructors and build wonders, block…

Artist at the Museum Age: 8 – 12 years old Are you an artist at heart? Do you love the outdoors and get inspired by nature? This camp is made for you! Enjoy a full week of scientific and artistic activities at the Canadian Museum…

Enviro Bike Camp Age: 8 – 12 years old At our environmental protection education camp, we ride differently! Are you passionate about cycling, nature and science? Come ride with us on the trails of Canada’s capital in search of beautiful and surprising places. Explore new…

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Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea

Duis aute irure dolor in reprehendecat cupidatat non proidemed ut perspiciatis.

Camp Enviro vélo Age: 8 – 12 ans À notre camp d’éducation à la protection de l’environnement, on roule autrement! Tu es passionné de cyclisme, par la nature et les sciences ? Viens te promener avec nous sur les sentiers de la capitale du Canada…

Un petit artiste sommeille en toi ? Tu es aussi un amateur de plein air et de sciences naturelles?

Tu es habile de tes mains? Tu aimes créer et entreprendre des projets créatifs d’envergure?